We kindly notify you that Oneworld Plus Management Ltd has ceased offering its AIFM and UCITS Management services and activities following the voluntarily renunciation of its licence.
The management of One World R.A.I.F Umbrella fund has been transferred to Eleon Capital Management https://www.eleoncapital.com/ as the licensed and approved fund manager by CySEC. Therefore, please refer to Eleon for any enquiries regarding the aforementioned R.A.I.F..
We wish to apologize for any inconvenience caused and ensure you that we have taken all necessary actions to protect our clients’ interests.

Savvas Shiatis

Non-executive Director

Mr Savvas Shiatis is a Partner in Oneworld Limited which is regulated by CySEC. He studied Accounting and Finance at the London School of Economics and he is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus. He is a holder of the advanced Certificate of CySEC (CN1030). Mr. Shiatis is a Director heading Banking and Financial Services Department, responsible for the affairs of these departments' clients, mainly from western and eastern Europe. He is also assisting on compliance and financial services reporting matters. Mr. Shiatis possesses considerable experience in advising clients to structure their international activities and specialises in financial services matters. He has been involved in tax planning projects, licensing of financial services companies, internal audit and compliance functions, and in advising clients on the financial services and fund legislation. Previously he was a partner at BDO Philippides and Horwath Philippides and Partners and Senior Analyst at Equity Connect.

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